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- Posted: April 26, 2021Categories: DIY, Essential oils, Natural Health, Holistic, Aromatherapy, Organic, Health, Allergy, Natural, Kid, Beauty, Alternative Medicine, New AgeRead more »
Amazing Uses for Hydrosol Sprays
Many of us don’t think twice before using canned aerosol sprays. After all, no one wants to smell stinky odors and we all want to have fresh smelling homes. But are we unknowingly exposing ourselves to chemicals? There is no law in the United States that requires products of any kind to list chemicals used in fragrances. You could be unknowingly e
- Posted: May 20, 2020Read more »
What are Hydrosols?
Hydrosols are a mixture of distilled herbs, essential oils or flowers combined with water to create a spray or skincare solution. They are also known as plant water or flower water. These solutions are created when specific substances such as lavender or rose petals are distilled and mixic with water to create a natural, fresh smelling liquid.
Uses for Hydrosols:
- Posted: August 06, 2020Read more »
What is Lavender?
Lavender refers to nearly forty plants which are perennial herbs. Lavender is considered in the mint family. Being a Mediterranean plant, it requires a specific climate to successfully grow. The majority of lavender is produced in the Provence region of France. Lavender is also produced In the United States in areas such as the Great Lakes. Lavender requires
- Posted: October 01, 2020Read more »
What are Hydrosols?
Hydrosols are a mixture of distilled herbs, essential oils or flowers combined with water to create a spray or skincare solution. They are also known as plant water or
- Posted: January 28, 2022