Prep Time : 15h 00
Cooking Time : 00h 00
Servings Number : 1 person
Heart Shaped Lavender Soap ♣
- 1/2 Cup Fractionated Coconut Oil
- 1/2 Cup Organic Shea Butter
- 1/2 Cup White Beeswax Pellets
- 1/4 Cup Dried Lavender Buds
- 10-12 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
- 3-4 Drops Vitamin E Oil
- Sprinkle 1/2 Tablespoon of dried Lavender buds into the bottom of each heart-shaped mold. Set to the side.
- Using the double boiler method melt the Organic Beeswax Pellets and Organic Coconut Oil thoroughly together.
- Add the Organic Shea Butter and mix together.
- Add the Organic Lavender Essential Oil and Vitamin E Oil.
- Mix thoroughly then pour into silicon molds.
- Place in the refrigerator over night.
- Remove and use as needed.