Prep Time : 00h 00
Cooking Time : 00h 00
Servings Number : 1 person
- .75 Ounce Shea Butter
- 1 Ounce Mango Butter
- .5 Ounce Cocoa Butter
- 1.75 Ounces Grapeseed Oil
- 15 Drops Helichrysum Essential Oil
- 25 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
- 10 Drops Chamomile Essential Oil
- 1 Bowl for mixing
- 1 Pot to boil water
- Melt all Butters together in a heat safe bowl over a pot with hot water on the stove.
- Remove bowl from pot on the stove.
- Once butters have cooled to touchable, add Grapeseed Oil and mix.
- Once cooled to warm, add Essential Oils and whip body butter to desired consistency.
- Scoop body butter into a clean jar of your choice.
- To use: open jar, with clean hands, scoop desired amount of body butter into hands and massage on dry areas before bed, and/or prior to going out into the cold weather.