Prep Time : 00h 00
Cooking Time : 00h 15
Servings Number : 1 person
Naturally moisturize your skin with a fresh, fall scent. ♣
- 8 oz (226 grams) Cocoa Butter
- 1 Teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 Teaspoon Natural Vanilla Extract
- 1 Empty Heat Resistant Container (Such as a Mason Jar)
- 1 Sauce Pan
- 1 Empty Lotion Container
- Fill the sauce pan halfway full with water and bring to boil.
- Add cocoa butter into heat resistant container (such as mason jar).
- Allow cocoa butter to melt completely.
- Remove cocoa butter from heat once it has melted.
- Add 1 Teaspoon of Natural Vanilla Extract.
- Stir mixture until it is cooled but still warm.
- Carefully add 1 Teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar into the mixture.
- Stir until all ingredients are blended.
- Allow to cool 12 hours. Label and store away from kids or pets.
- To Use: Apply to body to naturally moisturize your skin with a fresh, fall scent.