Prep Time : 10h 00
Cooking Time : 05h 00
Servings Number : 1 person
Calming Magnesium Body Butter ♣
- 1/2 Cup Fractionated Coconut Oil
- 1/4 Cup Magnesium Oil
- 1/2 Cup Cocoa Butter
- 10-15 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
- 1/4 Cup Sweet Almond Oil
- 1. Use a double boiler and melt the Organic Cocoa Butter and Organic Coconut Oil over medium heat. 2. Once both oils are melted add magnesium oil, stir and let cool. 3. Place in a container and let cool in the refrigerator or freezer until solid but not completely hard. 4. Use a hand mixer and whip together. 5. Add Organic Lavender Essential Oil and Organic Sweet Almond Oil to whipped butter until body butter is light and fluffy. 6. Scoop into a glass airtight container and store in room temperature out of direct sunlight.