Organic DIY Deodorant with Bentonite Clay (NO BAKING SODA)
Organic DIY Deodorant with Bentonite Clay (NO BAKING SODA). No Chemicals. Easy Stick Form. ♣
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Ingredients and Method
- 4 Tbsp Fractionated Coconut Oil
- 1-1/2 Tbsp Organic Beeswax Pellets
- 1 Tbsp Organic Shea Butter
- 4 tea spoons Bentonite Clay
- 10 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
- 10 drops Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil
- 5 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
- 1 Clean Empty Deodorant Stick Container, you can reuse and old one after it is thoroughly cleaned
- 1 Pot/Heat Safe Bowl (Double Boiler system)
- 1 Spoon, Fork, or Whisk
- Start melting the Organic Coconut Oil. Melt the Organic Coconut Oil over low heat in a double boiler (pot of warm/hot water then a small pot or heat safe bowl with the Coconut Oil in it placed over/in the warm/hot water). Please, never leave any melting/cooking/heating ingredients unattended.
- Add in the Organic Beeswax. Melt these 2 ingredients together before adding the Organic Shea Butter.
- Once they are Melted add in the Shea Butter. Turn off or remove from the Heat.
- Stir until all is melted and smooth, “clump” free.
- Add in your Organic Oils and continue to mix until it is a nice creamy mixture. (You can add & mix the oils that work for you. Please keep in mind, Rosemary & Tea Tree Oils are good for antibacterial and antifungal oils and others can be added for scent.)
- Pour the mixture into your clean container, make sure the inside of the container is turned all the way down to be filled. Once filled Tap the container lightly on the counter to release air bubbles.
- Let the container/stick sit out for 5 mins. Then place in the freezer for 20 to 35 minutes until it is a solid form.
- This should last for 3 Months. Please Note: Mary Tylor Naturals’ Recipe Database is just a guideline and a resource to inspire your creativity. Please be sure to speak to your doctor before changing or adding anything to your health regimen. Also, please experiment with all of our recipes in small batches and test before using. Please do share with us if you feel any adjustments or additions should be made. We welcome your input. We also welcome customer recipes, though we are not able to test each recipe we receive. We can’t guarantee that the results will be the same for everyone, as we are all beautifully different.
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