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- Posted: June 30, 2022Read more »The Healthy Candle® is Mary Tylor Naturals’ newest addition to their health-conscious line of products! Enjoy the blend of all natural Beeswax, Coconut Oil, Essential Oils and cotton wick to light your space up with intoxicating scents that are not toxic to your heath.
Mary Tylor Naturals is a family-owned business right outside th
- Posted: January 24, 2022
- Posted: December 17, 2020Categories: DIY, Essential oils, Natural Health, Holistic, Aromatherapy, Organic, Certified Organic, Natural, Alternative Medicine, New AgeRead more »
How to Naturally Boost your Immune System
Preventing the spread of viruses, bacteria and pathogens is a major concern in our current day and age but other than washing your hands, how can you protect yourself? Below is a list of wonderful ideas that can naturally boost your immune system.
Ways to Naturally Boost your Immune System
- Posted: November 16, 2018Read more »
Weight Loss Tips
Obesity and weight loss are major topics in American culture. We are constantly bombarded with the latest diet fads, nutritional supplements and exercise crazes. But what does it take to really lose weight? Below is a list of tips you may not have thought of to help you shed those excess pounds.
- Posted: August 13, 2018Categories: DIYRead more »
The joy of the holidays is here! Cold weather, blustery winds, dry indoor heat, and late nights on the holiday party circuit can wreak major havoc on your skin. Finding and giving the right gift is hard enough, and when the weather outside is frightful, your healthy skin may become rough, dry, and as tired as the rest of you.
One of the most thoughtful gift ideas for this
- Posted: July 01, 2022Read more »There are many different types of waxes used to make candles on the market today. Each has it’s own set of intended and actual benefits as well as drawbacks. Some waxes offer amazing scent throw (hot and cold – the ablity for a candle to distribute its scent), some that are all-natural & are known to improve the indoor air quality, and others that are meant to be a happy medium between the bot
- Posted: March 25, 2021Read more »
Natural Ways to Benefit Your Exercise Routine
Exercise and nutrition are a big part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and the article below explains a few simple lifehacks to help you benefit your life
- Stay Active
Little things like walking up and down stairs, climbing in and out of a bathtub or bending down to pick something
- Posted: May 27, 2021Read more »
What is Toxic Exposure?
Chemicals are especially present in products used in our homes such as cleaning supplies, laundry detergents, make-up and even in our foods and beverages. For example, Parabens and phthalates are commonly used chemicals which have been researched to cause cancer and type II diabetes. These two chemicals can be found in shampoo, make-up and various
- Posted: April 12, 2022Read more »
What Do I Need To Know About Carrier Oils?
What exactly are carrier oils? Carrier Oils are a base oils, usually pressed from fruit, kernels,
- Posted: January 07, 2022Read more »
5 New Years Resolutions Everyone Should Try
The start of a new year means the beginning of another part of your life. This is a great time to turn over a new leaf and try to establish better habits. Below is a list of 5 easy new years resolutions everyone can try.
- Get more sleep. Anyone will tell you that adequate sleep is essential for good health. Practicing