Search "Creams"

  1. Cocoa butter for cooking!

    cocoa butter for cooking by mary tylor naturals

    Cocoa butter is mostly known for its cosmetic benefits. Numerous cosmetic brands use this butter. There are moisturizers, cleansers, exfoliating creams, soaps and shampoos among others. You can also use good quality cocoa butter for skin nourishment without buying it in the form of makeup or skincare product.

    What you may not know is that cocoa butter is also a cooking ingredient. Many cuisines

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  2. Essential Oils- FAQ

    Essential Oils- FAQ

    Essential Oils- FAQ


    Essential oils have a variety of scents and many of these contain health benefits. Scientific evidence shows that exposure to certain scents can trigger changes in mood due to the brain’s involvement in olfactory senses. The olfactory system is defined a

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  3. How to Make a Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils

    How to Make a Natural First Aid Kit with Essential Oils

    Essential Oil First Aid Kit

    Essential oils have many healing benefits and can be used to naturally treat many health issues. Before modern medicine invented things like alcohol swabs and traditional antiseptic creams such as Neosporin, ancient cultures used natural items to treat problems.  Below is a list of essential oils you can use in your natural first aid kit.   

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  4. Organic Jojoba Butter - What is it? How is it Pronounced? & How can it help your family...

    Organic Jojoba Butter - What is it? How is it Pronounced? & How can it help your family...

    Organic JoJoba Butter - Pronounced Ho-hoba - is here to make your skin smooth & clear.

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  5. Why do Natural Products Separate?

    Why do Natural Products Separate?


    Why do Natural Products Separate?


    Informative | Natural Skincare

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  6. Beeswax Facts - Nature's Hidden Secret

    Beeswax Facts - Nature's Hidden Secret

    Ancient Egyptians and Roman cultures used beeswax for natural skin and beauty treatments. Today, beeswax is still used in the production of many products such as candles, lotions and cosmetic products. If you are looking for a safe alternative to toxic chemicals, homemade products containing beeswax are a great substitute with amazing health benefits.

    Beeswax has a variety of uses such

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  7. Are wax melts safe?

    Are wax melts safe?

    Are wax melts safe?

    What are wax melts?

    Wax melts are pieces of wax that are infused with fragrances made to be melted in a warmer. They were created when candle companies had excess wax left over from candles.

    Are wax melts safe?

    The safety of wax melts depends on what the ingredients of the wax melts contain. Traditional store-bought

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  8. 5 Easy Ways to Go Green

    5 Easy Ways to Go Green

    In the current age of modern technology and a fast-paced lifestyle, many people are turning to holistic and natural ways to improve their life. This article will discuss 5 easy things you can incorporate to live a greener lifestyle!

    1. Embrace Nature


    Spending time in nature can help you feel calmer,

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  9. The Basics of Beeswax - What is it? How to Use it to benefit your life!

    The Basics of Beeswax - What is it? How to Use it to benefit your life!

    The Basics of Beeswax

    Beeswax is a substance produced by worker bees, which is secreted by glands on the bee’s abdomen. It is naturally a yellow-brownish color, but can also be purified to different shades of yellow or even white. Beeswax has been used since ancient times for its amazing benefits. Ancient Egyptians and Roman cultures used beeswax for natural skin and beauty treatments. T

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  10. Fabulous Uses for Jojoba

    Fabulous Uses for Jojoba

    Fabulous Uses for Jojoba!

    Jojoba has been used for thousands of years for alternative health and skin care purposes. Many Native American tribes used jojoba oil to heal wounds and soothe skin problems. Jojoba is widely known for its moisturizing, sun-protecting and nurturing effects, which is why it is widely used in the cosmetic industry. It is a main ingredient in many creams and cosmetic

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