Search "blue"

  1. Chromotherapy; Can color improve your health?

    Chromotherapy; Can color improve your health?

    Chromotherapy: Can color improve your health?

    Chromotherapy is defined as a practice that exposes patients to a visible spectrum of colors in the form of electromagnetic light to promote healing.

    In ancient times, Egyptians widely used color therapy in their healing rituals by utilizing items such as crystals, minerals, stones, plants and dyes. Archaeologist have even discovered differently

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  2. Can Colors Help You Heal?

    Can Colors Help You Heal?

    Chromotherapy: The Healing Power of Colors

    Currently, light therapy is an accepted practice in some forms of modern medicine. Certain colors are believed to impact specific body systems. For example, in neonatal care units, babies with jaundice are exposed to blue light. This blue light exposure is used to break down an excess of bilirubin in the newborn’s liver. Modern physicians a

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  3. What is Smudging?

    What is Smudging?

    What is Smudging?


    Smudging is an ancient Native American practice where you light a bundle of sage on fire and “clear out” or “cast away” negative energy. There have also been some medical studies showing that this ritual actually cleanses bacteria and vir

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  4. Complete Guide to Smudging

    Complete Guide to Smudging

    Complete Guide to Smudging


    Smudging is a popular native American ritual used to cleanse negative energy and promote a positive environment. It is an ancient ritual still performed today that is thought to improve one’s health and wellbeing. There have also been some medical s

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  5. How are Essential Oils Created?

    How are Essential Oils Created?

    How are Essential Oils Created?:



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  6. What is a Better Candle Wax to Burn in my Home?

    The Healthy Candle®, beeswax candles

    What is a Better Candle Wax to Burn in my Home!:


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  7. 5 Easy Ways to Go Green

    5 Easy Ways to Go Green

    In the current age of modern technology and a fast-paced lifestyle, many people are turning to holistic and natural ways to improve their life. This article will discuss 5 easy things you can incorporate to live a greener lifestyle!

    1. Embrace Nature


    Spending time in nature can help you feel calmer,

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  8. Pet Friendly Natural Products

    Pet Friendly Natural Products

    Cats, dogs, horses, hamsters, bunnies and ferrets are so much more than animals, they become our furry friends when we adopt them and become pet parents. They provide us with unconditional love and companionship, which is why we should be careful with what we expose them to.

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  9. One of the BEST anti-inflammatory Substances in the World: Copaiba!

    One of the BEST anti-inflammatory Substances in the World: Copaiba!

    Copaiba Essential Oil



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  10. Helichrysum & Chamomile Are An Unlikely Pair Nature Has Given Us

    Helichrysum & Chamomile Are An Unlikely Pair Nature Has Given Us
    The aromatic herbs Helichrysum and Chamomile are so unobtrusive and humble they could easily be overlooked — yet they contain remarkable healing powers that make them superior among the vast selection of natural medicines.

    Offering their aromatic oils, they ease the pain of trauma, reduce inflammation, speed the healing of wounds, a

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