Benefits of Honey
Benefits of Honey
Honey has long been a wonderful addition in the human diet since the dawn of time. It is a natural substance with many holistic benefits that is excreted by honeybees. This article will discuss the risks and benefits of honey.
Recent research completed by the University of Illinois at Chicago showed promising evidence that honey could lead to the creation of new antibiotics due to its antimicrobial properties. There is a natural compound called “Api137” that is produced by bees, wasps and hornets. It is believed that “Api137” helps these insects defend themselves from sickness by creating antibacterial peptides. If science could harness the power of these insect peptides, it is believed they could be used as human antibiotics.
There is also research which suggests that honey may have health benefits to those suffering with metabolic syndrome. Due to it’s low glycemic index, it doesn’t trigger a spike in blood sugar and insulin levels, and can help enhance insulin sensitivity. Honey has also been known to improve lipid metabolism, lower total cholesterol and can help reduce triglycerides.
Since honey contains prebiotic properties, it can improve gut health and helps promote beneficial bacteria in the gut. Improving gut health has been linked to immune system support and can improve overall wellness. Ingesting honey has also known to promote anti-viral activity and can help prevent sickness.
There are risks to young children when ingesting honey and it should be noted that children under the age of 2 should not ingest honey to prevent infant botulism, which is caused by clostridium botulinum bacteria.
It is recommended when choosing a honey product that you choose a locally sourced, organic brand in order to harness the maximum health benefits possible. A raw, holistic honey is the optimal choice for your health needs!
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