How to Boost your Health with Mindfulness

Boost your Health with Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a concept that involves stress reduction and being present in the moment. When you are stressing or worrying, you are focusing on the future, when you are grieving you are focusing on the past, when you focus on the moment you can be at peace.

Mindfulness can be achieved in many ways such as:

1-      Meditate.  Whether you meditate through prayer, transcendental meditation, or spiritual ritual, spending time in a calm mental state is beneficial to finding peace and serenity. Meditating at least three times a week can help you keep find mindfulness.

2-      Spend time in Nature.  Sitting in the sunshine, feeling the wind blow, walking around barefoot and listening to the rain are great ways to balance your mind.   

3-      Reduce your chemical and electromagnetic exposure. Toxins, chemicals and unnatural electronic vibes can disrupt your natural harmony. Keeping your exposure to these environmental factors low will help you reduce stress. For example, use natural sources! Instead of turning a lamp on, open the shades. Turn your phone off when not in use and be vigilant of all foods and drinks you ingest.

4-      Utilize the Elements. Humans are automatically drawn to the elements because we require them to survive.  In the current age, we have gotten away from most exposure to the elements thanks to modern conveniences. We no longer use candles as primary sources of light or spend as much time in soil gardening due to the conveniences of grocery stores. Spending time in the elements is a wonderful way to find mindfulness.

5-      Eliminate Negative Sources. Whether it be negative people or situations, try to avoid as many harmful influences as possible. Dark energy can come in many forms and it is important to protect your mind with positive thoughts and influences.

Mindfulness is just like personal hygiene such as showering, it must be done daily in order to be the most effective. Take care of yourself in your mind, body and spirit. You are worth it.