Chill Out~  Natural Ways to Reduce Stress


Are there certain things that increase stress in your life? Are there people you need to avoid?

Are there situations that hurt you?

To live the most optimal life possible, it is important to eliminate as many stressors as you can.

Below is a list of natural ways you can use to help find balance and peace in your life.


Embrace Nature.

A change of scenery is definitely needed if you feel overwhelmed and stressed. A great natural way to manage stress is to embrace nature. Hearing the wind, feeling the sunshine and listening to the rain can help you feel calmer and more relaxed. Go outside! Open a Window! Enjoy Nature!

Enjoy the little things in life.

Pamper yourself in tiny, special ways EVERY SINGLE DAY. Take a hot bubble bath, read a book, drink a smoothie, watch a good movie, wrap up in a soft blanket, light a candle, listen to a calming musical playlist, add some calming essential oils into a diffuser. Do something that comforts you. If you are burnt out, you need to refresh your mind, body and spirit. Little things go a long way!

Surround yourself with good people.

A great way to refuel your burnt out spirit is to get around people that you can ENJOY life with. People that encourage you, listen to you and make you laugh can help you heal when you feel like you're at wit's end. Call a friend, send a text or email! There is no shame in reaching out if you need a good friend's company!

You can also utilize natural products to help you find relaxation. For example, see the recipe below!

DIY Relaxation Spray


  • 1 Spray Bottle
  • 1/2 Cup Water
  • 2/3 Cup Witch Hazel
  • 10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 10 Drops Jasmine Essential Oil


  1. Add water and witch hazel into spray bottle.
  2. Shake until combined.
  3. Add 10 Drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil
  4. Add 10 Drops of Lemon Essential Oil
  5. Shake Vigorously until blended.
  6. Label the bottle and place in a cool place away from kids and pets.
  7. To Use: Spray as desired to naturally freshen and disinfect the air.

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