aromatherapy by mary tylor naturals

Aromatherapy is defined as the use of aromatic oils from various sources such as herbs, flowers and plants. They are used to treat physical, emotional and psychological ailments and promote general well-being.  The use of essential oils is widely practiced in holistic and alternative medicine. 

Aromatherapy has been a staple of natural healing for centuries. Many cultures have used it since the dawn of time. The ancient “Father of Medicine” Hippocrates used his knowledge of fragrance for healing purposes. Ancient Egypt is credited to creating distillation machines to harvest the oils from plants, herbs and flowers to use for medicinal purposes in their healthcare. Essential oils were also used in World War II as antiseptic compounds to treat injured soldiers. (Sources: Encyclopedia Britannica. Aromatherapy; Organic Facts.)

But in the current age, why should such an old healing ritual be considered?

There are hundreds of essential oil options, blends and remedies for just about every ailment. A holistic health practitioner or aromatherapist can help guide you to oils to improve your well-being. Essential oils can be applied in various different ways and some can even be taken internally for medicinal purposes. 

(Do not ingest any essential oil without first checking with your physician, as some essential oils can interact with medications or certain conditions. Secondly, be sure you are using a bio-friendly, 100% therapeutic grade oil. Do not ingest a low quality oil, as they may be filled with other products and not 100% pure.)

Ways to use Essential Oils-

Aromatic-  Using essential oils in a diffusor or wax burner is a great way to promote wellness and improve the air quality in your home, car or office. Diffused essential oils can be used to treat a wide variety of issue such as: reducing anxiety, creating focus or increasing libido just to name a few!  

Application- Applying essential oils to tense or painful areas or using products such as creams or soaps infused with your choice blend is a great way to enjoy the benefits of various oils. Many holistic practitioners and massage therapists apply essential oils to pressure points during treatment; creating a healing effect for their patients.

Baths- Soaking in essential oils is a great way to achieve maximum benefits from the natural healing power of various herbs, flowers and plants!  There are many wonderful products such as essential oil infused bath bombs, soaks and body washes that can help you incorporate better wellness in your personal hygiene. 

Compression- Essential oils added to a warm, wet washcloth can be used as a compress when applied to painful or swollen areas of the body. Essential oil compresses have been widely used to treat menstrual cramps, tense muscles, headaches and post-exercise soreness.

Aromatherapy has been scientifically proven to trigger your olfactory senses, which improves circulation and can help you feel calmer and improve your general feeling of wellness. (Source: Aromatic Science)

Mary Tylor Naturals is proud to offer a selection of high quality essential oils to improve your well-being. We stand by our motto, “Better Ingredients for a Better Life!”